Our Sources for Infographic: 2016 Presidential Candidates

Posted by john.hutchinson on 3/11/16 2:00 PM


The following are our information sources for the 2016 Election Infographic.

Access and Opportunity:

Hillary Clinton:

Statements and quote come from Hillary Clinton's campaign website: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/college/

Bernie Sanders:

Tuition free college: https://berniesanders.com/issues/its-time-to-make-college-tuition-free-and-debt-free/
Bernie Sanders' quotes: Democratic Presidential Debate, Manchester NH, Dec 19 2015

By 2018, 65% of jobs will require a college degree.

Accountability and Performance:

John Kasich:

Ohio’s performance-based funding: https://www.ohiohighered.org/press/new-performance-based-model-higher-education-ohio
Expand access to college credit: https://www.johnkasich.com/education/
John Kasich quote: http://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2015/01/read_gov_john_kasichs_inaugura.html

Marco Rubio

Positions: https://marcorubio.com/issues-2/marco-rubio-position-higher-education-policy-college/
Quote: Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., delivered keynote remarks Feb. 10, 2016, at The Next America event, "Making Community Colleges Work."

“81% of employers consider critical thinking to be among the most important college learning outcomes.”

Local Decision-making and Personal Responsibility


Ted Cruz

State and local education, and Common Core:

Quote: https://www.tedcruz.org/five-for-freedom-summary/

Donald Trump

Cuts to DOE: Fox News Sunday 2015 Coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls, Oct 18, 2015

“You graduate from college…” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8db8BUW0l9Y

“Education has to be local.” Presidential announcement speech, New York City, June 16, 2015.

"The significance of information literacy education lies in its potential to encourage deep, rather than surface learning..."
From Christine Bruce's Keynote Address to the 3rd Lifelong Learning Conference, Yeppoon, June 2004 “Information Literacy as a catalyst for educational change” http://www.christinebruce.com.au/publications/publications-2004/

Other relevant statistics:

3 out of 4 recent graduates report trouble locating relevant and affordable sources to stay current in their work and personal lives, given the volume of information they face every day.

60% of business leaders value graduates with broadly applicable “soft” skills like problem solving and communication over applied training and industry-speci c capabilities. http://www.northeastern.edu/innovationsurvey/pdfs/Northeastern_University_Innovation_Imperative_Higher_Ed_Outcomes_Poll_Deck_FINAL_Delivered.pdf

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